Recording: ‘¿Dónde Está El Baño?’ drums

With Dawn and Tim, we had a break from drums, which was fine. But, ¿Dónde… is a punk rock song, and it needs drums. So, here’s how that went down!

¿Dónde Está El Baño? drums: rig run down


Because the last drums session was such a faff, I was actually a bit nervous going into this session for Dónde…. But, I practiced as much as I could with Real Drum, strolled over to Astoria SoundWorks, and went for it.

When I got to room eight, I went about setting things up in the usual way. On this occasion, that meant…

And, it sounded a bit like this!

However, I wasn’t completely happy with how it sounded. For some reason, the snare sounded really distorted. Although it sounded like it was clipping, as if the gain on the Link Digital was too high. But, even when I lowered it, it made no difference.

After significant tinkering – for example, moving the microphone, and tweaking the angle – I felt that it was in fact a rattly snare, and some tape might have solved it.

However, I had no tape, and this is light audio recording… so I just rolled with that punch, opting to figure it out later! Hah!

As with Seven Shades, some of the drumming was patchy. Therefore, I bodgered the drums track together from the five takes I managed to record.


Despite the distorto-rattling snare, the session was so straightforward, it’s not even worth doing a pros and cons table.

In conclusion, here is the drum track for ¿Dónde Está El Baño?

dónde drums

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