Tips: BandLab Vs Audio Evolution Mobile – which is the best DAW app?

If you’ve been following the various escapades of light audio recording, particularly the ones outside the apartment, you’ll know I use two DAW apps. Today, we’ll look at why I bounce between both. Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls… it’s BandLab Vs Audio Evolution!

Say hi to BandLab

light audio recording bandlab logo
Image credit:

While I reviewed BandLab some time ago, that focused on the in-browser version.

The app is part of BandLab Technologies, a Singaporean conglomerate with a portfolio of various music-related brands: gear, magazine, retail, and of course tech.

BandLab incorporates a lot of things, and besides being a DAW, incorporates collaborative and social elements.

light audio recording bandlab daw

Say hi to Audio Evolution Mobile

light audio recording audio evolution mobile
Image credit:

Audio Evolution Mobile is made by a company called eXstreamsd.

And that is the extent of the information about them. I can’t find any information about when they started or who’s behind it. They have a Facebook and Twitter with release updates, but that’s it. However, their Twitter tells us they’re based on The Netherlands.

light audio recording

BandLab Vs Audio Evolution Mobile

Firstly, let’s take a quick look at the things they have in common.

  • They allow multitrack recording of your compositions
  • Both have their own VSTs for you to use
  • Both work with audio and MIDI

Obviously, I could go into depth about each one. But, I’m stuck for time, so here’s a table that should cover off most things.

BandLab appAudio Evolution Mobile
Use offline?NoYes
Audio interface compatibilitySeems to work with anythingCan be fussy, especially with ones that don’t use the phone’s headphone jack
Latency issuesPain in the bumNone – autocorrects pretty well
User interfaceMehMeh
Exporting samples?Unnecessary – syncs in the cloud, so you can continue editing, mixing and mastering on your computers, which is easierUpload samples to Google Drive, then download to computer, then import to BandLab – essentially much more of a faff
Recording limitations?12 tracks, each a max of six minutesNone that I can see
Impact on device storageApp size: 688MB – but, samples are stored on the cloud, not on your deviceApp size: 59.58MB – but, everything you record is stored on your device
Anything else?You can’t take a level before recording – you have to start recording, see what the wave form looks like, and hope for the bestBecause it’s more akin to a traditional DAW, you arm the track, take a level, and you can see the level right the way through as you’re recording

BandLab Vs Audio Evolution Mobile: conclusion

In conclusion, the table above highlights some of the pros and cons of each app. And should help show why I bounce between both.

Essentially, I use Audio Evolution Pro when I know there won’t be WiFi where I’m recording. For example, the subway, or a parking lot.

But, while Audio Evolution Pro feels like it’s a DAW trying to be an app, BandLab feels like an app trying to be a DAW.

Despite describing the user interface of both apps as “meh,” I think both development teams have done as well as they could trying to cram that much into a phone-sized interface.

Perhaps in the context of usually doing things on a “full size” computer, doing the same things on a phone feels excessively fiddly. However, let’s not pretend that I could do any better. So maybe “meh” is a bit unfair.

And ultimately, it doesn’t matter, as long as I get my recording done.

For now, I don’t see any reason why I won’t continue to bounce between both.

bandlab vs audio evolution

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