Recording: ‘¿Dónde Está El Baño?’ bass

With drums recorded, Dónde now needs bass. In a first for Light Audio Recording, I made a video tutorial that might help.

Because people absorb information in different ways, maybe it’ll help even more people see how they can record music in a compact and affordable way.

Video tutorial: recording ¿Dónde Está El Baño? bass

¿Dónde Está El Baño? bass: rig run down


Despite the excitement of a video tutorial, I’m including writing as per. Because that’s how some people learn things.

But, recording bass for Dónde… – as with most bass sessions – is the easiest session of the project.

Firstly, I set up my gear. In this case, that meant…

  • Audio interface into Chromebook
  • Then bass into audio interface, via my pedalboard so I could tune the bass
  • And headphones into audio interface so I can hear what’s up

Secondly, I did my admin. In this case, that meant exporting my completed drums track, then importing it to a new project for recording bass.

Then, I got a level, and nailed it in… more than one take!

It was all very straightforward.

¿Dónde Está El Baño? bass: conclusion

In conclusion, there’s nothing of note to comment on this session. It was so straightforward.

However, my bass does sound incredibly flat or dry or something. Perhaps I should invest in an amp or a pedal or… something?

In any case, here’s the end result.

dónde bass

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